Sally Jowell, Paralegal

Originally from New Hampshire, Sally Jowell moved to the beautiful Colorado Mountains in 1980. She is a mother to five children and a grandmother to four grandchildren.

Sally graduated high in her paralegal class in 1991. While her children were young, Sally worked as a freelance paralegal in various legal fields. She began working as a full time paralegal in 2008.

Having raised 5 children of her own and going through a divorce in 2005, she found that Family Law was a natural fit. Sally understands all too well the tribulations a divorce can cause in a family’s life, and approaches her work with compassion and empathy. Sally greets every client with a smile, and has received accolades year after year for her tremendous customer service skills.

In her spare time, Sally enjoys making jewelry as well as crafting with her 13 year old son and granddaughters. She is also a talented seamstress. While in her twenties, she worked as a hairdresser and still enjoys cutting and coloring hair.

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